On Tue, Jun 05, 2018 at 11:03:33AM -0400, Stephen Frost wrote:
> Let's keep the tech side of this simple and just do the rename as
> suggested and then we can encourage committers to review the
> smaller/older patches by providing information about the objective size
> and age of them, which will likely lead to the same result without all
> the fuss over what patch should be in what commitfest.
From a technical point of view with the CF app, it is possible to move a
patch to the "next" CF but it is not possible to choose to which commit
fest a patch is moved. I am not sure how the CF app chooses this next
CF, does it choose based on the ID number of a CF, which increases for
each new creation or based on its name? Magnus would know that, my bet
goes for the ID-based selection.. If my guess is right and that you
create a CF with a name older than an existing entry, then the whole
patch flow would be messed up. So a rename is just much more simple at
the end.