On 2018-05-15 13:44:58 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> On 2018-Apr-23, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> > Now, frankly, this being mostly a debugging tool, I think it would be
> > better to have the output as complete as we can. Otherwise, when
> > debugging some hideous problem we find ourselves patching the tool
> > during an emergency in order to figure out what is going on. For this,
> > I would rather patch the earliest version we conveniently can. We
> > cannot patch pg10 because it's already out there, but not so for pg11.
> RMT, I would like your opinion on whether to apply a fix for this
> problem to pg11 or not.
-0.1. We've lived without this for years, I fail to see why this should
get an exception / has any sort of urgency. We could establish a policy
that we just exclude parts of the source tree from the code freeze, but
we haven't so far.
Andres Freund