On Tue, Jan 16, 2018 at 09:18:25PM -0800, Jeff Janes wrote:
> Oh. I've not seen that before. But then again I don't often restart my
> server and then immediately run very large queries with a stringent time
> deadline.
> You can try pg_prewarm, on pg_statistic table and its index. But I'd
> probably just put an entry in my db startup script to run this query
> immediately after startng the server, and let the query warm the cache
> itself.
> Why do you restart your database often enough for this to be an issue?
Another thing that you could use here is pg_buffercache which offers a
way to look at the Postgres shared buffer contents in real-time:
As Jeff says, pg_prewarm is a good tool for such cases to avoid any kind
of warmup period when a server starts..