Re: Bad estimates (DEFAULT_UNK_SEL) - Mailing list pgsql-performance

From Justin Pryzby
Subject Re: Bad estimates (DEFAULT_UNK_SEL)
Whole thread Raw
In response to Bad estimates  (Artur Zając <>)
List pgsql-performance
On Wed, Nov 22, 2017 at 03:29:54PM +0100, Artur Zając wrote:
> CREATE TABLE xyz AS SELECT generate_series(1,10000000,1) AS gs;
> db=# explain analyze select * from xyz where gs&1=1;
>  Seq Scan on xyz  (cost=0.00..260815.38 rows=68920 width=4) (actual time=0.044..2959.728 rows=5000000 loops=1)
> newrr=# explain analyze select * from xyz where gs&1=1 and gs&2=2 and gs&4=4;
>  Seq Scan on xyz  (cost=0.00..398655.62 rows=2 width=4) (actual time=0.052..3329.422 rows=1250000 loops=1)

> I noticed that each additional clause reduces the number about 200 times and
> define DEFAULT_NUM_DISTINCT is responsible for this behaviur.

I think it's actually:

src/include/utils/selfuncs.h-/* default selectivity estimate for boolean and null test nodes */
src/include/utils/selfuncs.h-#define DEFAULT_UNK_SEL                    0.005

..which is 1/200.

Note, you can do this, which helps a bit by collecting stats for the index

postgres=# CREATE INDEX ON xyz((gs&1));
postgres=# ANALYZE xyz;
postgres=# explain analyze SELECT * FROM xyz WHERE gs&1=1 AND gs&2=2 AND gs&4=4;Bitmap Heap Scan on xyz
(cost=91643.59..259941.99rows=124 width=4) (actual time=472.376..2294.035 rows=1250000 loops=1)  Recheck Cond: ((gs &
1)= 1)  Filter: (((gs & 2) = 2) AND ((gs & 4) = 4))  Rows Removed by Filter: 3750000  Heap Blocks: exact=44248  ->
BitmapIndex Scan on xyz_expr_idx  (cost=0.00..91643.55 rows=4962016 width=0) (actual time=463.477..463.477 rows=5000000
loops=1)       Index Cond: ((gs & 1) = 1)


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