Re: Multi tenancy : schema vs databases - Mailing list pgsql-general

Subject Re: Multi tenancy : schema vs databases
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In response to Multi tenancy : schema vs databases  (Rakesh Kumar <>)
Responses Re: Multi tenancy : schema vs databases
List pgsql-general
>> I've been reading this discussion with great interest, to see what 
>> other Postgres experts think. :-)
>I am bit disappointed that most of the replies are questioning why we are doing what we are doing. Once again, we (db
designers)have no choice in that.  What I would like to know that which one is better :- multiple db vs multiple
schema. Read few interesting arguments and noted that connection pooling works better with multiple schemas than dbs.

I've been curious to see what the others would tell you too. :) There's a lot about the admin side I can't advise you
on,but I'll take a shot anyway from an overall-app view...

Your situation sounds somewhat similar to my previous job. There, we hosted multiple customers on the same physical
server.We also used Mysql, so your question wouldn't have applied there. But translating that situation to if they had
usedPostgres, I think I'd have told them to do 1 DB and many schemas because of the resource sharing. That would have
workedfor them because the DBs were completely internal; i.e. the customer could not get to the DB directly -- the
customercould only see the data thru our app. Given that, then each DB server would have hosted between 1-50 customers
(dependingon their size).

The difficult spot with Postgres (AFAICT) is that if your customer has direct access to the DB, then 1 DB to many
schemawould break your security requirements. We had a situation at my present job recently where one of customers
wantedaccess to our log tables. The first idea was to grant them select-only privs to the logging schema thinking that
wouldbe safe enough as they couldn't get to the main data schema. However, in testing, we found that wasn't good enough
asit allowed them to at least look at table designs even if they couldn't get to the data. That was bad so in a sense
Postgresfailed us (to the experts if there is a way to do this, I'd love to know how to do that). We considered
creatinga separate DB for the logging data, but decided that would make things too difficult and we didn't want to
"waste"server resources in that way. We ended up writing a small app that the customer could query and it read the log
filesfor them, ensuring security was maintained. This is why others are asking you about your [security] requirements.

BTW, if you go the 1 DB and many schema way, be sure you fully understand "search_path".

I don't know if that's helpful to you or not, but hopefully it was at least a little.


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