Jürgen Purtz wrote:
> I measured following elapsed times on an Intel i5 processor:
> 1. generate all HTML files with dsl script (make html): 0:48 min.
> 2. generate all HTML files with xslt script (make xslthtml): 16:01 min.
> 3. generate all HTML files with xslt script in the new environment
> (pure Docbook5): 4:07 min.
> 4. Generating different things via dsl scripts in the new environment
> may be possible. But the changelog of the Docbook5 dsl scripts
> shows, that the last modification occurred in 2004 - this way is a
> dead end.
The dsl toolchain has a "make html" format which creates the index and a
"make draft" that doesn't. You timed the former only. What's the
timing for an equivalent of "make draft" in the xslt chain? If it
exists and is short enough, it seems acceptable to me that the complete
(with index) build takes ~4x as long as today; the draft timing is more
critical, I would think.
Man pages are already generated using xslt, so I suppose that wouldn't
change. PDF creation timing is also critical.
FWIW, in my laptop "make draft" takes 1m18.788s and a "make html"
takes 1m26.676s. So it's just 8 seconds to generate the SGML file for
the index, and no reruns required ... hmm. I think I'm gonna forget
about "make draft" in the future.
Álvaro Herrera http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
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