On 2014-10-17 05:32:13 -0700, CK Tan wrote:
> Vitesse DB 9.3.5.S is Postgres 9.3.5 with a LLVM-JIT query executor
> designed for compute intensive OLAP workload. We have gotten it to a
> reasonable state and would like to open it up to the pg hackers
> community for testing and suggestions.
> Vitesse DB offers
> -- JIT Compilation for compute-intensive queries
> -- CSV parsing with SSE instructions
> -- 100% binary compatibility with PG9.3.5.
> Our results show CSV imports run up to 2X faster, and TPCH Q1 runs 8X faster.
How are these modifications licensed?
Andres Freund
-- Andres Freund http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training &