Quoting Georgi Georgiev at 03/02/2013-13:36:54(+0900):
> By the way, I see that the postgresql92 packages do the
> "update-alternatives" cleanup in "%postun". I am not sure why
> pgadmin3_92 does it in "%preun", nor does it seem to make much of a
> difference, but it may be a good idea to consistently do it in the same
> scriptlet - either %preun or %postun.
Just to follow up that pgadmin3_92-1.16.1-4.rhel6.x86_64 has a new
problem now.
This version creates (and installs) only a pgadmin3 binary. There is no
mention of pgadmin3_92 anymore. However, the ".desktop" file is still
pointing to "/usr/bin/pgadmin3_92" (which is now missing).
\ Georgi Georgiev \ If you fail to plan, plan to fail. \
/ Sysadmin Head / /
\ -SBI Japannext- \ \