This is my best effort so far is below. My concern is that it isn't very
efficient and will slow down as record numbers increase
create view current_qualifications as
select q.*, (q.qu_qualified+q.qu_renewal)::date as qu_expires from
qualifications q
join (select st_id, sk_id, max(qu_qualified) as qu_qualified from
qualifications group by st_id, sk_id) s
on q.st_id=s.st_id and q.sk_id = s.sk_id and q.qu_qualified = s.qu_qualified;
select t.st_id, t.st_name, k.sk_id, k.sk_desc, q.qu_qualified, q.qu_renewal,
from current_qualifications q
join staff t on t.st_id = q.st_id
join skills k on k.sk_id = q.sk_id;
Gary Stainburn
Group I.T. Manager
Ringways Garages