On Mon, Jul 09, 2012 at 04:02:13PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> ... Could you crank up the log verbosity so we can get
> file and line number, at least?
Here is what the increased verbosity reveals in aggregate. This
is about an 18-hour span, covering 12.5M transactions, on
version 8.3.18:
(13 times) Various OIDs that do exist cannot be found:
ERROR: XX000: could not open relation with OID 1554847444
LOCATION: relation_open, heapam.c:879
(21 times) Relations that do exist cannot be found:
ERROR: 42P01: relation "foobar" does not exist
LOCATION: RangeVarGetRelid, namespace.c:273
(1 time) Qualified relation that exists cannot be found:
ERROR: 42P01: relation "public.foobar" does not exist
LOCATION: RangeVarGetRelid, namespace.c:268
(5 times) Failure to read a block:
XX001: could not read block 3 of relation 1663/1554846571/4184054438: read only 0 of 8192 bytes
LOCATION: mdread, md.c:631
(5 times) Cache lookup failure:
XX000: cache lookup failed for relation 1554847255
LOCATION: has_subclass, plancat.c:921
Greg Sabino Mullane greg@endpoint.com
End Point Corporation
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8