I've recently become a bit annoyed and frustrated looking at this in top:
23296 postgres 20 0 3341m 304m 299m S 12 0.9 1:50.02 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
24362 postgres 20 0 3353m 298m 285m D 12 0.9 1:24.99 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY
24429 postgres 20 0 3340m 251m 247m S 11 0.8 1:13.79 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
24138 postgres 20 0 3341m 249m 244m S 10 0.8 1:28.09 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
24153 postgres 20 0 3340m 246m 241m S 10 0.8 1:24.44 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
24166 postgres 20 0 3341m 318m 313m S 10 1.0 1:40.52 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
24271 postgres 20 0 3340m 288m 283m S 10 0.9 1:34.12 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
24528 postgres 20 0 3341m 290m 285m S 10 0.9 1:21.23 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
24540 postgres 20 0 3340m 241m 236m S 10 0.7 1:15.91 postgres: sfrost gis [local] COPY waiting
Has anyone been working on or considering how to improve the logic around doing extends on relations to perhaps make
largerextensions for larger tables? Or make larger extensions when tables are growing very quickly? I haven't
lookedat the code, but I'm guessing we extend relations when they're full (that part makes sense..), but we extend them
anitty-bitty bit at a time, which very quickly ends up being not fast enough for the processes that want to get data
intothe table.
My gut feeling is that we could very easily and quickly improve this situation by having a way to make larger
extensions,and then using that method when we detect that a table is growing very quickly.