On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 08:37:54AM -0600, Andy Colson wrote:
>> 3. WAL logging
> PG writes a transaction twice. Once to WAL and once to
> the DB. WAL is a simple and quick write, and is only ever
> used if your computer crashes and PG has to re-play
> transactions to get the db into a good/known state. Its a
> safety measure that doesn't really take much time, and I
> don't think I've heard of anyone being WAL bound. Although
> it does increase IO ops, it's not the biggest usage of IO.
> This one falls under "lets be safe" which is something NoSQL
> did away with. Its not something I want to give up,
> personally. I like using a net.
And, one could still effectively disable WAL by using
unlogged tables.
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