On Mon, Jan 30, 2012 at 08:20:15AM -0800, Adrian Klaver wrote:
> I am not sure I understand crippled. There is a bug that you acknowledge has
> been dealt with. The rest is documented behavior having to do with extension
> packaging. Extensions exist as packages and are put into the database and pulled
> from the database as such, by the extension mechanism. Whether data is included
> in that process is up to the discretion of the extension creator. So on that
> particular point you probably need to talk to the folks that created the
> extension. The learning curve exists because now a db admin has to understand
> that the extension mechanism exists and the ways it interacts with the rest of
> the database.
crippled in this way:
it is not possible to have table from extension that will have its data
dumped in normal pg_dump (or pg_dump -a), and will *not* have its data
dumped when doing pg_dump -s or pg_dump -s -t other_table.
you either have data for extension-based-tables in *all* dumps
you don't have data for extension-based-tables in *any* dumps.
Best regards,
The best thing about modern society is how easy it is to avoid contact with it.