* Magnus Hagander (magnus@hagander.net) wrote:
> If there is noone owning it at all, it just falls through the if/else
> block and ignores it if that happens (PQntuples() returns 0).
Ah, right, but 'result' is still non-zero, ok.
> Is there really a case for multiple sequences to own it? How would you
> go about making that happen? ALTER SEQUENCE.. OWNED BY.. only takes
> one table, afaics?
I just noticed it was pulling from pg_depend and we could be creating
multiple dependencies on a single sequence by having two tables use it
as a default value. If that situation doesn't cause a problem for this,
then that's fine. :) Couldn't remember if we distinguished 'owned by'
from 'dependend upon' for seqeunces.