Bruce Momjian wrote:
> I have completed the 9.0 release notes:
> Interestingly the 9.0 release notes contain 201 items, while the 8.4
> release notes contained 314 items. Of course we will be adding a few
> more 9.0 items before 9.0 final, but not a lot. The only explanation I
> can think of is that we were more focused during this release, and there
> were fewer minor cleanups. The migration issues section, for example,
> was significantly smaller than in 8.4.
I did some research on release note item counts for the past several
major releases and found 8.4 to be an abberation:
release-7.4.sgml 263release-8.0.sgml 230release-8.1.sgml 174release-8.2.sgml 215release-8.3.sgml
214release-8.4.sgml 314release-9.0.sgml 201
The 9.0 release item count closely matches the item counts from all
previous major releases, except 8.4. I think 8.4 was a
cleanup/restructuring release and that resulted in a high item count.
(The only two major new 8.4 features were window functions and common
table expressions/recursive queries.)
-- Bruce Momjian <> EnterpriseDB
PG East: