I've a web application.
I'm logging data related to the landing page and subsequent selected
create table track_hit (
hitid serial not null,
/* pk? I don't mind if serial wrap around
pk could be (hitid, tracking_time) */
esid varchar(32), -- related to session
tracking_time timestamp not null default now(),
-- some other stats
-- first_hit boolean not null default false, -- ???
I'd like to be sure I just count one "first hit" in a session (same
esid) in an efficient way that means I'd like to mark them with a
flag and avoid a group by, min subquery cycle when I'm doing
I can't trust the browser and I just want one first hit for each
esid, no matter if they have the same tracking_time.
Of course the problem is concurrency, but maybe I missed some pg
trick that could help me.
I'm on 8.3 and no plan to move to 8.4 shortly, so no windowing
functions that will make reporting easier/faster.
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo