On Wed, Dec 02, 2009 at 06:12:47AM -0500, Mike wrote:
> I have a very simple database with one table.
> Each row has columns identifying a client, client_contact,
> client_this, client_that, etc.
> This info. will remain mostly static, unchanged.
> But the most important part is adding the ability to attach
> time-stamped, prose language entries that correspond to each
> particular client.
> The best comparison I can think of is a doctor's "running notes" that
> relate the story of each client contact or office visit.
Perhaps I'm misunderstanding your situation, but it sounds like you should
just create a second table for your running notes. This table would contain a
TEXT field for the note data, a TIMESTAMPTZ field for the timestamp, and
a field or set of fields to match the primary key of your mostly static client
table, to link each note with a particular client.
Joshua Tolley / eggyknap
End Point Corporation