Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> alvherre=# select 'a'
> alvherre-# 'b';
> ?column?
> ----------
> ab
> (1 fila)
Ah, yes -- saith scan.l:
* SQL requires at least one newline in the whitespace separating
* string literals that are to be concatenated. Silly, but who are we
* to argue? Note that {whitespace_with_newline} should not have * after
* it, whereas {whitespace} should generally have a * after it...
special_whitespace ({space}+|{comment}{newline})
horiz_whitespace ({horiz_space}|{comment})
whitespace_with_newline ({horiz_whitespace}*{newline}{special_whitespace}*)
Alvaro Herrera
The PostgreSQL Company - Command Prompt, Inc.