In response to Jignesh Shah :
> Hi,
> I am new to PostgreSQL. I learnt most of things from site. I
> want to write a trigger for on my table tech_projects such that whenever
> INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE happen on this table, the trigger should get called
> and the updated/deleted row must be added to tech_projects_backup table.
> Moreover, if there are more than one row updated then I don't want to reiterate
> the client-server communication for each row but instead it should process all
> rows at once.
12:32 < akretschmer> ??tablelog
12:32 < rtfm_please> For information about tablelog
12:32 < rtfm_please> see
12:32 < rtfm_please> or
Regards, Andreas
Andreas Kretschmer
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