The following bug has been logged online:
Bug reference: 4901
Logged by: Steve Purcell
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.4.0
Operating system: Linux (Debian Unstable)
Description: Column name "window" breaks pg_dump/pg_restore
The DB schema for openx ( contains a table with a column called
"window", which now causes a syntax error if unquoted. pg_dump doesn't
quote the column, so pg_restore/psql fail on the pg_dump output. Here's
what pg_dump spits out for the table:
CREATE TABLE ox_data_bkt_a (
server_conv_id bigint NOT NULL,
server_ip character varying(16) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT NULL,
tracker_id integer NOT NULL,
date_time timestamp without time zone,
action_date_time timestamp without time zone,
creative_id integer NOT NULL,
zone_id integer NOT NULL,
ip_address character varying(16) DEFAULT ''::character varying NOT
action integer,
window integer,
status integer
COPY ox_data_bkt_a (server_conv_id, server_ip, tracker_id, date_time,
action_date_time, creative_id, zone_id, ip_a
ddress, action, window, status) FROM stdin;