On Monday 24 November 2008 23:37:02 Barry Reddy wrote:
> Can anyone clarify if this apparent contradiction is an oversight ? =C2=
> documentation with new archiving documentation patched on, with no
> attention paid to the seeming contradiction on guidelines for filesystem
> backups of a running PG database ?
It is not trivial to understand the difference. Perhaps the documentation=
doesn't make that entirely clear.
When you do a base backup with archiving on, that backup is only usable=20
together with the WAL segments that were written while the backup mode was=
So you can either make a backup: shutdown, tar, start
And then recover with: shutdown, untar, start
Or make a backup: pg_start_backup, tar, pg_stop_backup
And then recover with: shutdown, untar, recovery
In particular, it will *not* work to do:
Backup: pg_start_backup, tar, pg_stop_backup
Restore: shutdown, untar, start
So if you read both sections separately, they are correct. It is only the=
partial overlap in the otherwise diffferent procedures that is confusing.