Hello list,
table diary_entry
entry_id SERIAL PK
d_entry_date_time timestamp without time zone
d_entry_company_id integer
d_entry_location_id integer
d_entry_shift_id integer
d_user_id integer
d_entry_header text
Get the last entries from companies and their locations?
The last, i.e. the biggest entry_id holds also the latest date value within
one company and its locations. One can not add an entry before the previuos
one is 'closed'. Names for the companies, their different locations, or
outlets if you like, users and shifts are stored in company, location, user
and shift tables respectively.
Again something I could do with a bunch of JOIN queries and loops + more LEFT
JOIN queries within the output loops, but could this be done in a one single
clever (sub select?) query?
Output (php) should be something like:
Date | User | Shift | Company | Location
02.10.2008 | Bobby | Nightshift 1 | Company 1 | Location X
04.10.2008 | Brian | Dayshift 2 | Company 1 | Location Y
09.10.2008 | Jill | Dayshift 1 | Company 2 | Location A
05.10.2008 | Jane | Dayshift 1 | Company 2 | Location B
07.10.2008 | Frank | Dayshift 2 | Company 2 | Location C
Someone please give me a start kick?
TIA and have a nice weekend too!
Burglars usually come in through your windows.