I've got five related tables:
- person_type:id_person_type integertype_fr text
- person:id_person integer...
- person_to_event:id_person -> personid_person_type -> person_type (e.g: actor, director, producer,
...)id_event -> event
- event:id_event integerid_event_type -> event_type...
- event_type:id_event_type integertype_fr text
To select person_type's used in a certain event_type I have this query:
select distinct pt.type from person_type pt natural join person_to_event join event e using
(id_event) natural join event_type et where et.type_fr='théâtre';
Now, I'd like to select person_type's _not_ used in a certain particular
event (say id_event=219).
I can see how to build a quey to that effect, but is there a more
obvious, clean, short solution? Something that looks like the above
query maybe?