The following bug has been logged online:
Bug reference: 4294
Logged by: Enrico Sirola
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.3
Operating system: OSX, Linux (RHEL5)
Description: XML support: name() xpath function not working
it seems the name() xpath function doesn't work properly. Try, for example,
the following sql script:
create table test (test xml);
insert into test values ('<a
-- good
select xpath('/my:a/*[last()]', test, ARRAY[ARRAY['my',
'']]) from test;
-- bad
select xpath('name(/my:a/*[last()])', test, ARRAY[ARRAY['my',
'']]) from test;
It seems the libxml2 version and the OS used is not relevant. The problem
affects all pgsql versions >= 8.3.0
Best regards,