On Montag, 14. April 2008 Michael Monnerie wrote:
> problem with duplicate primary index entries...
I just got a warning in my Log:
Apr 16 01:52:19 db1.zmi.at postgres[21103]: [3-1] DB=bayes_pg_v1_dupidx
U=postgres H=[local] 48053eaf.526f VACUUM:WARNUNG:
Index »bayes_token_pkey« enthält 2539650 Zeilenversionen, aber Tabelle
enthält 4752337 Zeilenversionen
(Index contains 2539650 rows, but table has 4752337 rows)
BTW: I know that the DB language cannot be changed without recreating,
but can I change the language of the log messages?
mfg zmi
// Michael Monnerie, Ing.BSc ----- http://it-management.at
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