On Wed, 12 Mar 2008 17:47:35 +0100
"jose javier parra sanchez" <jojapasa@gmail.com> wrote:
> Take a look at pgpool . http://pgpool.projects.postgresql.org/
I knew about it.
Giving a look at
it doesn't seem something that can be completely hidden to the
application layer.
I know that most of the problems (not all) arise from the fact that
pg has features that MySQL can just dream of... but it doesn't look
as something that is really transparent to the application layer.
Not that this should imply I consider easy to achieve such result...
I know it is far from being easy, just that it doesn't look as what I
was trying to describe.
So let me rephrase, in order of importance:
- something completely transparent at the application layer
- something that won't die if one of your boxes die
- something that will improve performances of reads
- something that won't suffer too much for replicating writes
At a first sight it looks as if pgpool can't boost stuff in pl*
Ivan Sergio Borgonovo