Magnus Hagander wrote:
> > If you change the text file, I will see the CVS update and update the
> > HTML --- I will never lose a change because my CVS sees your changes.
> That seems like a lot of extra work that should be unnecessary.
> I asked before for general reactions, so I will now turn that into a formal proposal:
> Let's move the TODO list to the wiki. Bruce still retains "ownership" of it
> and will certainly be doing most of the editing. But people who work on
> individual items can add/remove items and details as needed directly on the
> wiki as necessary.
> Those who still need daily updates can easily grab an RSS feed off the
> wiki, or use the watch feature (disclaimer: I haven't used the watch
> feature myself, but I'm told it should work).
> Can we get a soundoff on this? Good idea, bad idea?
> (if we decide to do it, we'll have to migrate what's there now, of course.
> But I'm sure we can find volounteer(s) to help with that so Bruce doesn't
> have to do all the work.)
We need it to do a few things:
o We need to be able to pull a text and HTML copies for tarballso Edits have to be quick and easyo I have to be able
tomake new sections, and move existing items around and between sectionso I need to be able to add URLs for itemso
Ineed subsections and sub-subsections
-- Bruce Momjian <> EnterpriseDB
+ If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +