On Tue, Jan 22, 2008 at 10:16:30AM +0300, silly_sad wrote:
> INSERT INTO ttt (a,b) SELECT currval('ttt_id_seq'), 'const' FROM ttt2;
> Where the trigger before insert on ttt is defined and this trigger calls
> nextval('ttt_id_seq').
> I was surprised having different values of currval() in ttt.a
> Is this the normal behavior ? Where is it described ?
currval is volatile function:
select provolatile from pg_proc where proname = 'currval';
it means it is called for every row separately.
and since it is inserted, it's evaluation is (i guess):
get 1 row from select
get next row from select
which means, that the sequence gets updated in mean time (by trigger).
if you want to have the same currval, i would suggest to do:
INSERT INTO ttt (a,b) SELECT (select currval('ttt_id_seq')), 'const' FROM ttt2;
(which should work).
or (and this would be definitely the best way) seriously rethink the
quicksil1er: "postgres is excellent, but like any DB it requires a
highly paid DBA. here's my CV!" :)
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