2008-01-16_22:03:11-0500 "Joshua D. Drake" <jd@commandprompt.com>:
> Ron Peterson wrote:
> >2008-01-16_18:23:31-0500 Josh Berkus <josh@agliodbs.com>:
> >>Ron,
> >That's not the kind of world I inhabit, so I'm certainly no expert on
> >these matters, but it's certainly something to chew on. "PostgreSQL
> >Developers Make Good" is a headline I wouldn't mind seeing someday.
> You realize that a corporation is able to donate money any time they want?
Really? I didn't know that. :)
My suspicion is that most corporations don't believe such donations
would have the same benefit to the corporation as an outright purchase.
Sun, for example, can now claim to be _the_ definitive provider of MySQL
support services, rather than merely being one of many sponsors. That
is the return on their investment. There are plenty of PHB's who want
so-called "enterprise" support, and who will pay good money for it.
Where should they buy that support for MySQL? Sun, of course.
A purchase gives Sun a certain exclusivity that they could never buy
with a mere donation.
Ron Peterson