In response to Ben <>:
> If I have this:
> create table foo (bar int primary key);
> ...then in my ideal world, Postgres would be able to use that index on bar
> to help me with this:
> select bar from foo order by bar desc limit 20;
> But in my experience, PG8.2 is doing a full table scan on foo, then
> sorting it, then doing the limit. I have a more complex primary key, but I
> was hoping the same concept would still apply. Am I doing something wrong,
> or just expecting something that doesn't exist?
Show us the explain.
However, 2 guesses:
1) You never analyzed the table, thus PG has awful statistics and
doesn't know how to pick a good plan.
2) You have so few rows in the table that a seq scan is actually
faster than an index scan, which is why PG uses it instead.
Bill Moran
Collaborative Fusion Inc.
Phone: 412-422-3463x4023