> Trying to put together my "What's New in 8.3" lightning talk, I'm
> surprised at the complete lack of advocacy resources. What little I
> can find is spread all over the place.
> In order to make life easier for others who are creating PostgreSQL
> presentations by providing links/copies of past presentations, as
> well as useful images, etc. ISTM the best way to do this is with a wiki.
> So, should I setup some pages on the developer wiki for this, or
> should we have a separate advocacy wiki? I'm leaning towards a
> separate one so that anyone can add resources...
I'm not going to comment on the general need. but if we're going to do that then please don't use the dev one, even
thoughi see others already use it for such
stuff. we absolutely do not want even more stuff loading up that machine at the moment. It's bad enough having the dev
wikiwhere it is.