The following bug has been logged online:
Bug reference: 3438
Logged by: radoslav hodnicak
Email address:
PostgreSQL version: 8.2.4
Operating system: Windows XP SP2
Description: Problem selecting backslash from a byte array
I create a table with a byte array column and insert a row with the byte 92
into it (which is backslash). Then I want to select the row.
Steps to reproduce:
create table backslashtest (test bytea null);
insert into backslashtest values (E'\\134'::bytea);
select * from backslashtest where test like E'\\134'::bytea;
select returns no rows
Expected result:
select should return the row I've inserted
Other remarks:
select * from backslashtest where test like E'\\134\\134'::bytea;
does what I expected from the original select, but that's wrong because I
don't want two backslashes, only one