Quick report from the front lines.
I've been IM'ing with Magnus and he already fixed most problems with the
regression tests. The buildfarm should slowly start turning green
There is a remaining problem though, which is that it doesn't work at
all on VPATH builds. The problem seems to be that we are neglecting to
symlink the files into the builddirs. I am looking into that.
I failed to notice this previously because my regular cleanup procedure
left the symlinks in place. I think this is something that we should
hack make distclean to remove. I'll have a look at that as well.
Alvaro Herrera Valdivia, Chile ICBM: S 39º 49' 18.1", W 73º 13' 56.4"
"No hay hombre que no aspire a la plenitud, es decir,
la suma de experiencias de que un hombre es capaz"