"Marshall, Steve" <smarshall@wsi.com> wrote:
> the first query would be optimized using
> constraint exclusion, while the second query would not:
> SELECT * FROM test_bulletins WHERE created_at > '2006-09-09
> 05:00:00+00'::timestamptz;
> SELECT * FROM test_bulletins WHERE created_at > '2006-09-09
> 05:00:00+00'::timestamptz + '0 days'::interval;
Hmmm... CE seems to be still not enough to optimize complex expressions.
If I added the wrapper function, it worked.
CREATE FUNCTION timeadd(timestamptz, interval) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$ SELECT $1 + $2; $$ LANGUAGE sql IMMUTABLE;
SELECT * FROM test_bulletins WHERE created_at > timeadd('2006-09-09 05:00:00+00', '0 days');
I noticed that we should be careful about CE with prepared statements
and functions. Seamless partitioning requires more works.
ITAGAKI Takahiro
NTT Open Source Software Center