* Florian G. Pflug <fgp@phlo.org> [070416 16:16]:
> >I think this is a corner case that CVS handles in a particular way and
> >the tools people are using to read the repository handle in a different
> >way. Which would be a bug in those tools, since CVS's interpretation
> >must be right by definition.
Would anyone know if these were "hand moved" to Attic? For instance, I
*can't* seem to get non-dead files into Attic, no matter what I try with
my cvs (on debian). But I haven't gone through the last 8 years of
CVS's CVS logs to see if they fixed a bug in the cvs server code that
would allow a non-dead HEAD rcs to be in the Attic...
> The question is if it'd be acceptable to manually remove that last commit
> from the repository. I guess simply readding, and then removing the files
> again should do the trick, though I'd be cleaner to fix remove the
> offending commit in the first place. Should postgres ever decide to switch
> to another version control system (which I don't advocate), that'd be
> one obstacle less to deal with...
> Or is the risk of causing breakage too high?
Well, I've "hand fixed" this in my conversion process so my git
conversion should not have this problem...
I'm not a fan of mucking around by hand in CVS. It's only because of
the short comings of CVS that it's necessary to every resort to that.
So I don't think re-adding/deleting it is worth it...
I've updated the repo.or.cz/PostgreSQL.git again - and this time it
should be pretty good. Consider it "usable" to clone off and follow CVS
development with... I won't re-convert the whole thing again, and will
just provide daily updates to it now. Unless anybody finds issues with
Ignore the "public" branch in there - that got in in an errant push, and
I don't know how to remove branches on repo.or.cz. I'm now just putting
"conversion notes" up in the public branch... IT's *not* a PostgreSQL
Aidan Van Dyk Create like a god,
aidan@highrise.ca command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/ work like a slave.