Manuel A. Fernandez Montecelo wrote:
> Well, I use around 10 libraries in my project, it's easier to use standardized
> methods to gather the compiler/linker options using pkg-config than calling
> different configuration scripts for each one, and using "pkg-config --exists
> $name" or "pkg-config --at-least=1.0 $name" than to check whether
> the "pg_config" script (and so with the rest) exists in your path, and
> figuring out ways to compare versions. I was reporting it as a wish-list
> item after all :)
Just FYI, this was proposed and rejected before. pg_config is our
method. It doesn't seem like too onerous a requeriment to change "pkg-"
to "pg_", is it?
The --at-least= or similar stuff may be useful though, not sure.
Alvaro Herrera
PostgreSQL Replication, Consulting, Custom Development, 24x7 support