* Joshua D. Drake (jd@commandprompt.com) wrote:
> And to be frank, I don't think we should waste our time on MySQL. It
> isn't a competitor, it just thinks it is. We should focus on our real
> competition which is DB2, MSSQL, and Oracle.
One thing which would be kind of nice would be to have a mapping for the
common commands. A friend of mine did this with a bit of perl so he
could have a single SQL script that could run against both Postgres and
Oracle. His thought was actually just an aliasing ability in psql so
that you could, for example, alias 'desc' to '\d' and '@' to '\i'. This
would have also helped me out with some projects for school- the main
issues I ran into were that Oracle required a cascade-drop to include
the keyword 'constraints' (which Postgres correctly forbids) and that
Oracle uses 'MINUS' instead of 'EXCEPT' (where 'EXCEPT' is the SQL
standard, which Oracle doesn't accept for some reason. :/).
Just some thoughts,