On Sat, Feb 25, 2006 at 02:03:51PM +0530, Krishnaprasad wrote:
> I have written code for connecting to a database and select one row and
> just print it out.. Iam able to make a connection with the databse. But
> after connection it is showing that select query failed.... but if iam
> directly selecting through PL/SQL prompt iam able to do the same.......
You're connecting to the database thusly:
> conn = PQconnectStart("user=postgres,dbname=krishna");
Parameters in the connect string should be space-separated, not
comma-separated. The select is probably failing because the connect
failed; you're not seeing the connection failure because you're
calling PQconnectStart to make a nonblocking connection and you're
not waiting for the connection to complete before making the query.
Unless you need a nonblocking connection use PQconnectdb instead:
conn = PQconnectdb("user=postgres dbname=krishna");
When an operation has failed, you can use PQerrorMessage or
PQresultErrorMessage to display the reason.
Michael Fuhr