On Tue, Nov 22, 2005 at 11:20:09PM +0100, Yves Vindevogel wrote:
> 8.1, hmm, that's brand new.
Yes, but give it a try, at least in a test environment. The more
people use it, the more we'll find out if it has any problems.
> But, still, it's quite some coding for a complete recordset, not ?
How so? The examples I posted are almost identical to how you'd
return a composite type created with CREATE TYPE or SETOF that type,
except that you declare the return columns as INOUT or OUT parameters
and you no longer have to create a separate type. If you're referring
to how I wrote two sets of assignments and RETURN NEXT statements,
you don't have to do it that way: you can use a loop, just as you
would with any other set-returning function.
Michael Fuhr