On Wed, 9 Nov 2005 20:07:52 -0300
Alvaro Herrera <alvherre@commandprompt.com> wrote:
> IMHO you should really be examining your queries _before_ you do any
> investment in hardware, because later those may prove unnecessary.
It all really depends on what you're doing. For some of the systems
I run, 4 GBs of RAM is *WAY* overkill, RAID 1+0 is overkill, etc.
In general I would slightly change the "order of operations" from:
1) Buy tons of RAM
2) Buy lots of disk I/O
3) Tune your conf
4) Examine your queries
1) Tune your conf
2) Spend a few minutes examining your queries
3) Buy as much RAM as you can afford
4) Buy as much disk I/O as you can
5) Do in depth tuning of your queries/conf
Personally I avoid planning my schema around my performance at
the start. I just try to represent the data in a sensible,
normalized way. While I'm sure I sub-consciously make decisions
based on performance considerations early on, I don't do any major
schema overhauls until I find I can't get the performance I need
via tuning.
Obviously there are systems/datasets/quantities where this won't
always work out best, but for the majority of systems out there
complicating your schema, maxing your hardware, and THEN tuning
is IMHO the wrong approach.
Frank Wiles <frank@wiles.org>