On Wed, Nov 02, 2005 at 05:26:56PM -0700, Trent Shipley wrote:
> I never really used SQL*Plus as a command line tool. I tended to use it as a
> weak SQL scripting language.
> Granted report generators can't be part of core PostgreSQL, they are still a
> critical part of any database workshop.
> ===========
> A) Are there any FOSS SQL scripting tools that output data ready for reporting
> (like SQR, but better)?
> B) Are there any FOSS tools that will take data and build pretty output.
> C) Are there any FOSS tools of type B that will take streaming input from some
> tool of type A.
> D) Are there any FOSS tools that combine both A and B into one low learning
> curve package like Crystal Reports.
Not split up in that way, but Jasper Reports, OpenRPT and BIRT are
three reporting tools that have GUI designers available for them - I
believe all three are band-based engines. The learning curve isn't
entirely trivial, but it's certainly quite managable by end users.
(There are many, many others that don't have a GUI designer
available. There's at least one on pgfoundry that explicitly supports
postgresql. They usually seem to take XML as an input template and
render to HTML or PDF.)