SVN Commit by dpage: r4634 - in trunk/pgadmin3/docs: de_DE/hints en_US en_US/hints sl_SI - Mailing list pgadmin-hackers
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Subject | SVN Commit by dpage: r4634 - in trunk/pgadmin3/docs: de_DE/hints en_US en_US/hints sl_SI |
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Author: dpage Date: 2005-11-01 14:17:10 +0000 (Tue, 01 Nov 2005) New Revision: 4634 Modified: trunk/pgadmin3/docs/de_DE/hints/view-without-pk.html trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/fki.html trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/pk.html trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/view-without-pk.html trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/tips.txt trunk/pgadmin3/docs/sl_SI/tips.txt Log: Attached i send an updated slovenian tps.txt file and some typo fixes [Miha Radej] Modified: trunk/pgadmin3/docs/de_DE/hints/view-without-pk.html =================================================================== --- trunk/pgadmin3/docs/de_DE/hints/view-without-pk.html 2005-11-01 13:55:48 UTC (rev 4633) +++ trunk/pgadmin3/docs/de_DE/hints/view-without-pk.html 2005-11-01 14:17:10 UTC (rev 4634) @@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ Das Einf�gen von neuen Zeilen oder die �nderung existierender Zeilen mit dem Edit Data Tool ist ohne Prim�rschl�ssel nicht m�glich. </p> -</p> +<p> Um Daten editieren zu k�nnen, erfordert pgAdmin III einen Prim�rschl�ssel auf der Tabelle, was i.d.R. ohnehin im Rahmen eines guten Datenbankdesigns vorhanden sein sollte. Alternativ kan die Tabelle auch WITH OIDS angelegt werden. Bitte beachten da� Eindeutigkeit von OIDs <B>nicht</B> Modified: trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/fki.html =================================================================== --- trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/fki.html 2005-11-01 13:55:48 UTC (rev 4633) +++ trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/fki.html 2005-11-01 14:17:10 UTC (rev 4634) @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ </p> <p> It all starts with a master table, which will be the referenced table. It needs to have a primary key (well, actually the -referenced columns only need to be not null and covered by a unique index, but it's really good advise to have it a -primary key. The slave table depends on the master table, in the sense that the columns on which +referenced columns only need to be not null and covered by a unique index, but it's really good advice to have a +primary key). The slave table depends on the master table, in the sense that the columns on which the foreign key is created must match the master table for any key inserted or updated. The slave table is the referencing table of the foreign key. </p> Modified: trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/pk.html =================================================================== --- trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/pk.html 2005-11-01 13:55:48 UTC (rev 4633) +++ trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/pk.html 2005-11-01 14:17:10 UTC (rev 4634) @@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ </p> <p> If you look at PostgreSQL's system tables, you will find that none of them has a primary key, so what's this about? -Actually, All of these tables have one or two columns (usually OID only) which uniquely identifies each row, obeying the +Actually, all of these tables have one or two columns (usually OID only) which uniquely identifies each row, obeying the second rule for a primary key, not allowing zero, and being covered by an index for faster access. Usage of OIDs has historic reasons, and isn't really first choice for designing user tables. PostgreSQL still uses this for backwards compatibility, and while a newer approach would probably use explicit primary keys it won't be changed now any more. Modified: trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/view-without-pk.html =================================================================== --- trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/view-without-pk.html 2005-11-01 13:55:48 UTC (rev 4633) +++ trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/hints/view-without-pk.html 2005-11-01 14:17:10 UTC (rev 4634) @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ Since the table <INFO> doesn't have a primary key or OIDs, you can view the data only. Inserting new rows and changing existing rows isn't possible for the Edit Data tool without primary key. </p> -</p> +<p> In order to edit data, pgAdmin III requires a primary key on the table, which is a good database design practice anyway. Alternatively, the table can be created WITH OIDS. Please note that oids are <B>not</B> guaranteed to be unique over a very long period of time, so using oids as kind-of primary key is only second choice. Modified: trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/tips.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/tips.txt 2005-11-01 13:55:48 UTC (rev 4633) +++ trunk/pgadmin3/docs/en_US/tips.txt 2005-11-01 14:17:10 UTC (rev 4634) @@ -41,6 +41,6 @@ pgAgent can be used to schedule regular batch and SQL jobs, such as the re-creation of date-sensitive partial indexes, orpurging of old records. It is good practice to build application logic into the database itself by using functions and views. This ensures thatdifferent front-ends to your products will always see the same views of data and update and modify data in the same way.Better yet, you only have to write it all once for all front-ends! To help keep your databases secure, minimise the amount of access you allow to remote hosts when creating your pg_hba.conffile, and always use encrypted connections unless you have good reason not to. -You can restrict access to individual columns of a table for a particular user or group by denying them drect access toit, and creating a view containing only the columns they should see for them to use instead. If your users need to updatethe data, you can create rules to apply updates to the view to the base table instead. +You can restrict access to individual columns of a table for a particular user or group by denying them direct access toit, and creating a view containing only the columns they should see for them to use instead. If your users need to updatethe data, you can create rules to apply updates to the view to the base table instead. PostgreSQL has been run on diverse platforms such as the Microsoft X Box, Sony PlayStation II, and Sharp Zaurus PDAs! EnterpriseDB donated an Apple Powerbook to the pgAdmin project to help improve the Mac OS X port of pgAdmin and their simplifiedderivative product, EDB Studio. Modified: trunk/pgadmin3/docs/sl_SI/tips.txt =================================================================== --- trunk/pgadmin3/docs/sl_SI/tips.txt 2005-11-01 13:55:48 UTC (rev 4633) +++ trunk/pgadmin3/docs/sl_SI/tips.txt 2005-11-01 14:17:10 UTC (rev 4634) @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ # Prazne vrstice se prezrejo, vrstice, ki se začnejo s # so komentarji. # Poba, nucej UTF-8 :) -Z redno uporabo VACUUM-a se lahko izboljša delovanje PostgreSQL-a. +Z redno uporabo VACUUM-a se lahko izbolj��a delovanje PostgreSQLa. Uradni rojstni dan PostgreSQL je 8. julij. Projekt PostgreSQL je nastal leta 1996. Prvi prototip za izvirni pgADMin projekt se je imenoval pgMAnager, spisan pa je bil za PostgreSQL 6.3.2. Podporo za pgAdmin lahko izrazite na dopisnem seznamu. @@ -25,3 +25,23 @@ Pano z definicijami vsebuje z obratnim inženiringom pridobljen SQL za izbrani objekt. pgAdmin III je popolnoma nova različica pgAdmina, napisana v C++ z uporabo wxWidgets okolja, ki omogoča izvajanje na Windowsin *nix sistemih. Domene se lahko uporabi za kreiranje predefiniranih podatkovnih tipov, ki temeljijo na bolj splošnih osnovnih tipih. +pgAdmin III 1.0.0. je bil prvi�� izdan 26. septembra 2003. +Procesa postmaster ni dobro kon��ati s 'kill -9'! +'EXPLAIN ANALYZE' ter gumb 'Razlo��i stavek' sta dobra prijatelja, ko je potrebno optimirati SQL stavke. +PostgreSQLov na��rtovalec (planner) bo prezrl zahtevo po pregledu indeksov, v kolikor se tipa stolpcev, po katerih potekazdru��itev, ne ujemata. +pgAdmin III podpira SSL kriptirane povezave. +Novi prenos PostgreSQLa na Win32 sistem je prvi�� prestal vse regresivne preizkuse 24. decembra 2004. +Windows razli��ica PostgreSQLa je bila v prvih petih dneh po prvi izdaji prene��ena ve�� kot 45,000-krat! +Napaka "Don't enable the OK button when setting the ACL for as-yet-uncreated objects" je bila popravljena na 12,000 metrihvi��ine nad Finsko, ko so se Andreas, Magnus in Dave vra��ali z Japonske po predstavitvi Slony-I in pgAdmina! +PostgreSQL 8.0 je prinesel veliko novosti, med drugim tudi to��ke shranjevanja, podatkovne prostore ter dolgo pri��akovanorazli��ico za Windows sistem. +EnterpriseDB so pgAdmin projektu podarili Applov Powerbook, da bi pripomogli izbolj��ati razli��ico pgAdmina za Mac OS Xin za njihov poenostavljeni derivatni izdelek, EDB Studio. +PostgreSQL je bil uspe��no pognan na razli��nih sistemih, kot so Microsoftov X Box, Sony Playstation II in Sharpovi ZaurusPDA-ji! +Japonska skupina uporabnikov PostgreSQLa (JPUG, Japan PostgreSQL Users Group) ima preko 5000 ��lanov in ��e vedno raste. +pgAdmin 1.4 vsebuje grafi��no EXPLAIN orodje, ki omogo��a pomaga la��je branje in razumevanje na��rtov izvedbe stavkov. +Sedeti 12 ur v letalu je zastra��ujo��e dolgo��asno, zato tudi pi��em nove namige! +pgAgent lahko slu��i za izvajanje paketnih ter SQL opravil po dolo��enem urniku. Primera opravil sta denimo ustvarjanje��asovno odvisnih delnih indeksov ali izbris starih zapisov. +Nastavitev PostgreSQLa s preve�� deljenega medpomnilnika lahko slabo vpliva na delovanje, ker zni��a koli��ino pomnilnikana voljo jedru operacijskega sistema, ki ga le-ta potrebuje kot predpomnilnik datote��nega sistema. +pgAdmin 1.4 je podprt na ve�� operacijskih sistemih kot prej��nje razli��ice, med drugim na ��tevilnih Linux distribucijah,Microsoft Windows (tm), FreeBSDju, Solarisu in na sistemu Mac OS X. +Dobra praksa narekuje izgradnjo aplikacijske logike na nivoju podatkovne zbirke z uporabo funkcij ter pogledov. To pripomorek temu, da imajo razli��ni vmesniki vedno enak vpogled na podatke in jih posodabljajo na enake na��ine. Kar je ��ebolje, za vse vmesnike je to potrebno narediti le enkrat! +Za ohranitev varnosti podatkovnih zbirk je dobro v pg_hba.conf datoteki ��imbolj omejiti dostope od zunaj in vedno uporabitikriptirane povezave, razen ��e nimate dobrih razlogov proti temu. +Dostop do posameznih stolpcev v tabeli se posameznim skupinam ali uporabnikom lahko omeji z odvzemom dostopa do njih ins kreiranjem novega pogleda, ki vsebuje le stolpce, do katerih imajo dostop. ��e morajo uporabniki podatke tudi spreminjati,se to lahko dose��e z uporabo pravil, ki priredijo spremembe pogledov na ustrezne tabele.
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