Following item in HISTORY:
* Add support for 3 and 4-byte UTF8 characters (John Hansen) Previously only one and two-byte UTF8 characters
weresupported. This is particularly important for support for some Chinese characters.
is wrong since 3-byte UTF-8 characters are supported since UTF-8
support has been added to PostgreSQL. Correct description would be:
* Add support for 4-byte UTF8 characters (John Hansen) Previously only up to three-byte UTF8 characters were
supported. This is particularly important for support for some Chinese characters.
In the mean time I wonder if we need to update UTF-8 <--> locale
encoding maps. The author of the patches stated that "This is
particularly important for support for some Chinese characters". I
have no idea what encoding he is reffering to, but I wonder if the
latest Chinense encoding standard GB18030 needs 4-byte UTF-8 mappings.
If yes, we surely need to update
Anybody familiar with GB18030/UTF-8?
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan
Tatsuo Ishii