In PHP I use this code with a prepared statement to insert null in the field justif_emenda when
the value in the form is an empty string or a string with only spaces. I hope this will help you.
$sql = "INSERT INTO tbl_emenda (" . "id_emenda, subtipo_emenda, tipo_emenda, " . "nome_autor, titulo_autor,
login_autor," . "cod_acao_gov, nome_acao_gov, " . "texto_emenda, justif_emenda) " .
"VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,nullif(trim('' from ?),''))";
$stmt = $conn->Prepare($sql);
if (!$conn->Execute($stmt, array( $id_emenda, 'S', 'Aditiva', $_SESSION['nome_autor'],
$_SESSION['titulo_autor'], $_SESSION['login_autor'], $_REQUEST['selCodAcaoGov'],
$_REQUEST['txtNomeAcaoGov'], $_REQUEST['txtTexto'], $_REQUEST['txtJustif'] ))) { erroSQL($conn, $sql);
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