[Tobias Brox - Tue at 06:04:34PM +0200]
> (...) and at one
> point in the code I'm even asking the database for "explain plan", grepping
> out the estimated cost number, and referring the user to take contact with
> the IT-dept if he really needs the report. But I digress.
I just came to think about some more "dirty" tricks I can do. I have turned
on stats collection in the configuration; now, if I do:
select count(*) from pg_stat_activity where not current_query like '<IDLE>%';
or, eventually:
select count(*) from pg_stat_activity
where not current_query like '<IDLE>%' and query_start+'1 second'<now();
it will give a hint about how busy the database server is, thus I can
eventually let the application sleep and retry if there are any other heavy
queries in progress.
Tobias Brox, +47-91700050
Nordicbet, IT dept