On Tue, Jul 26, 2005 at 06:25:23PM -0300, Adam O'Toole wrote:
> I am searching for a way to have my postgresql 7.4.7 backend be triggered to
> let the front end know there has been a change to the database. If more then
> one person is connected to the database and person (x) makes a change, I want
> other clients to then be aware of that, and refresh there screen so they are
> not then looking at out of date data.
> Any insight? Thank you so much, have a great day.
GNUmed has a complete Python implementation of what you
describe. We are using triggers and listen/notify as others
suggested. Look at client/pycommon/gmBackendListener.py for
the middleware, then server/sql/gmNotifications.sql for the
schema support, and server/bootstrap/gmNotificationSchemaGenerator.py
for a way to generate the needed triggers at the time of
bootstrapping the database.
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