On Sun, Jun 19, 2005 at 07:48:08AM -0500, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
> From discussions I have seen here, MYSQL implements Numeric using a floating
> point type. Postgres stores it using something like a base 10000 digit
> for each 4 bytes of storage.
Hmmm...that got me wondering about something....
CREATE TABLE foo (n1 decimal(17, 0), n2 decimal(17, 0));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (10000000000000000, 10000000000000001);
SELECT n1, n2, n1 + n2 FROM foo;
PostgreSQL 8.0.3:
n1 | n2 | ?column?
10000000000000000 | 10000000000000001 | 20000000000000001
MySQL 4.1.12:
| n1 | n2 | n1 + n2 |
| 10000000000000000 | 10000000000000001 | 20000000000000000 |
Wrong sum in MySQL. Nice. Oh wait, even better....
CREATE TABLE foo (n1 decimal(20, 0), n2 decimal(20, 0));
INSERT INTO foo VALUES (10000000000000000000, 10000000000000000001);
SELECT n1, n2, n1 + n2 FROM foo;
PostgreSQL 8.0.3:
n1 | n2 | ?column?
10000000000000000000 | 10000000000000000001 | 20000000000000000001
MySQL 4.1.12:
| n1 | n2 | n1 + n2 |
| -8446744073709551616 | -8446744073709551615 | -16893488147419099136 |
Beauty. Nice of MySQL not to raise an error if I've exceeded some
implementation-defined limit.
Michael Fuhr