On Tue, Jun 07, 2005 at 02:53:32PM -0300, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Moving to PgFoundry is NOT "Demotion"
> ----------------------------------------
Yeah, I agree. Lots of people understand "search in pgfoundry.org" much
easily than "see contrib/adddepend". (I agree with most of the rest of
your comments as well.)
> adddepend: is this still needed, or would a proper
> dump-and-reload from 7.2 add the dependancy information anyway?
Yes, it's still needed: a normal dump/reload doesn't fix the problem.
> findoidjoins: again, it's not clear what this module is for.
> Bruce?
I don't think this should be a contrib at all. It's more like a
developer tool.
> lo: another special data type. Is its functionality required
> anymore? It appears to be a workaround to some limitations of
> our large object interface which may no longer exist.
No, it's still needed I think. It's somewhat redundant with vacuumlo
apparently? The functionality of both should be incorporated into the
backend somehow, I'd think.
> pg_dumplo: is this still required for pg large objects? If
> so, can't we integrate it into the core? utilities/
I believe pg_dump has this functionality, with -O.
> reindexdb: now obsolete per the REINDEX {database} command.
> Remove from contrib.
No, this is different than REINDEX DATABASE.
Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]surnet.cl>)
Oh, oh, las chicas galacianas, lo harán por las perlas,
¡Y las de Arrakis por el agua! Pero si buscas damas
Que se consuman como llamas, ¡Prueba una hija de Caladan! (Gurney Halleck)