How can I sum a row and show the sum for each row???
For example, in a finances table that have the total movimentation(debit/credit)
in the bank.
CREATE TABLE TB1 (id integer primary key, value numeric);
insert into tb1 values (1,20);
insert into tb1 values (2,2);
insert into tb1 values (3,3);
insert into tb1 values (4,17);
insert into tb1 values (5,-0.5);
insert into tb1 values (6,3);
I want a query that returns:
-id- | --- value --- | --- subtot --- 1 | 20.00 | 20.00 2 | 2.00 | 22.00 3 |
3.00 | 25.00 4 | 17.00 | 42.00 5 | -0.50 | 41.50 6 | 3.00 |
The subtot colum will be the "prev. subtot colum"+"value colum". :-/
I dont know how to make the "subtot" colum, I tried to use the sum() function
but it not works correctly.
Any idea???