Please apply the following patch to correct a small mistake in a
translation file.
cvs diff: Diffing src/bin/psql/po
Index: src/bin/psql/po/es.po
RCS file: /home/alvherre/cvs/pgsql/src/bin/psql/po/es.po,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -r1.7 es.po
*** src/bin/psql/po/es.po 17 Jan 2005 14:55:34 -0000 1.7
--- src/bin/psql/po/es.po 24 Apr 2005 18:42:31 -0000
*** 809,815 ****
#, c-format
msgid " \\dp [PATTERN] list table, view, and sequence access privileges\n"
msgstr ""
! "\\dp [PATRÓN] listar privilegios de acceso a tablas, vistas y secuencias\n"
#: help.c:228
#, c-format
--- 809,815 ----
#, c-format
msgid " \\dp [PATTERN] list table, view, and sequence access privileges\n"
msgstr ""
! " \\dp [PATRÓN] listar privilegios de acceso a tablas, vistas y secuencias\n"
#: help.c:228
#, c-format
Alvaro Herrera (<alvherre[a]>)
"La espina, desde que nace, ya pincha" (Proverbio africano)